Well I went to the perinatologist yesterday to make sure that everything looks alright as far as spine, leg length, head size, brain hemispheres, heart chambers...and well everything looked great. Then my next appointment is on the 20th of this month with Primary Children's Hospital to do a fetal echo to make sure that the baby doesn't have the same heart condition that I was born with. My cardiologist said that there is a less than 50% chance that is possible, but I still have my fingers crossed!
The other fabulous news that I found out yesterday is that
I'm having a boy!!
I have no brothers, and my mom has no brothers, so it will be a whole new world we're dealing with...but I am actually excited. I mean it's a new thing, which just makes it that much more special.
it's supposed to be a "boy year" anyways, like everyone I know are having boy babies. I think I've heard of one person having a girl baby. lol. She's going to be terribly out-numbered.
The only thing is that I wish his dad would step up and be a man. I was honestly going to give him a second chance after he sat across from me and begged me to give him a second chance, he told he loved me more than anything, that he would change and that what happened in our original breakup would never happen again. Being a family was all that he wanted and he called off his relationship with whatever other girls he was hanging out with to make sure that was possible. I honestly was starting to believe him, I really thought he was being sincere. But once again I was fooled. Once again he said "all the right things" even if he didn't mean them.
Yesterday when I came to talk to him about the doctor appointment, and show him all the super cute baby stuff I bought during my excitement of finally knowing the sex, he proceeded to tell me that he doesn't think dating me will work, that being friends is all that will happen out of this and that he doesn't want what happened last time to happen again, and then also had to throw in that if he starts dating the girl he was before that I'm not allowed to be upset. Who honestly tells their pregnant ex that? "Oh I'm excited you're pregnant with a boy...but I want to date this other girl" I just feel like such fool for even considering giving him a second chance. I'm just done with him I think. If he wants to be "friends" whatever...he will get the same treatment as my other guy friends who want to be a part of this babies life. He hasn't proved to be any use to me other than being a sperm donor, and I personally don't think that he should get special treatment for something as easy as that....